Depth profile of self-generated theta rhythm in the isolated hippocampus.

A long standing hypothesis suggests that theta rhythm is dependent on a nucleus named the medial septum which contains GABAergic, glutamatergic and the classic cholinergic neurons. However, we have recently established that theta is present in the hippocampus without the septum. Moreover, we have determined that there are actually many theta generators located within the hippocampus. We want to determine how neurons generate theta in these different areas and how these oscillators interact. In addition we are interested in determining how neurons can generate fast frequency gamma rhythms. For these experiments, we use optogenetics in the isolated hippocampus from various transgenic mouse lines.

Field and whole-cell recordings during theta in hippocampus. Large rhythmic IPSPs are present in the pyramidal cell which is phased-locked to the field oscillation

Field and whole-cell recordings during theta in hippocampus. Large rhythmic IPSPs are present in the pyramidal cell which is phased-locked to the field oscillation

Picture of the isolated hippocampus in vitro with a field electrode

Picture of the isolated hippocampus in vitro with a field electrode

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  1. Goutagny et al., 2009. Nature Neuroscience
  2. Jackson et al., 2011. Journal of Neuroscience
  3. Gu, Jackson et al., 2013. Journal of Neuroscience